We are so excited to welcome
She hand makes the cutest necklaces, bracelets and key chains. The possibilities are endless! She can customize any of her pieces with a photo, flag, map, hand written message, artwork, whatever you can imagine! The best part - they are so affordable! (Prices start at only $5.95!!!)
For those of us with a little less imagination, she has put her own creativity to work and come up with some really great designs. There are 15 different CTR designs, and 15 different "I am Child of God" images. Click on over to the MMMall to see all the lovely choices!

After years of providing daycare in her home, in 2014 Krista decided to embark on a new adventure. With her youngest now in school (and oldest on a mission), she wanted a business she could run from her home that was flexible, and FUN!!
Of her new venture, Krista had this to say, "The thought
of creating special gifts for others was appealing, kind of like a
birthday and Christmas everyday! Life
is always full of so much, well, LIFE! I wanted to create jewelry that
could capture all of that. With these pendants it's limitless, fun
pictures that fit each unique personality, inspirational quotes, images
to celebrate a holiday, cheer on your team, honor your missionary and so
much more. Being on a tight budget it was important to me to offer a
durable, great quality item that would fit in all budgets. The pricing
of these allows you to have a special one created or collect many to
wear on all sorts of different occasions."

Krista is a RM and a MM! She said, "My
missionary is our oldest, of 7 kids. She's currently serving in
Starkville Mississippi within the Alabama Birmingham mission. Her
service is almost complete and will be home on
March 5th
of this year! (WooHoo, I can actually say...THIS YEAR!) I served in the
Paraguay Asuncion Mission and my husband served in the California San
Diego mission. We feel so blessed that our amazing daughter made the
decision to sacrifice 18 months in service of others."
The above photo is of Krista (aka Hermana Fish) when she was serving in the Paraguay Asuncion Mission back in the day. The bottom photo is of her with her family today. |

Krista has a real passion for what she does and it shows! She said, "One
of the funnest things about making these pendants is getting a glimpse
inside other peoples lives, their celebrations, their sorrows, and their
loves, hobbies and quirkiness. I love seeing where people's
missionaries are serving, the pictures their cute little ones have drawn
and images of the amazing miissionaries their moms are wearing close to
their hearts.. They've also been used on wedding bouquets, (a picture
of a missing loved one or pictures honoring their own parents love and
devotion). A recent one I made was for a new mom, it had a baby
footprint in the color of the November birthstone along with her
precious little one's name. Another great use is for business logos.
Our Orthodontist has had some made as gifts for the moms and teens that
come get braces on. My sister is a manager of a trampoline park and she
loves wearing her custom made pendant with their logo, another great
way to advertise a business."