Here is what Melinda has to say about how her fabulous dream became a reality:
I am a mother of 6 young children ranging from age 12 down
to 4 months. I enjoy being a mother and wife. It can be very
challenging trying to keep up with 7 people and their different needs
and also all of the responsibilities that go along with being a member
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I heard a talk given by Julie B. Beck talking about deliberate parenting and also about being "Mothers who know",
like the mothers of the 2000 stripling warriors. I believe this
planner can help us reach that goal by helping us to be more deliberate
and in the know of what is happening in our own families and
encouraging us to study out and seek things of a better in small and
simple way.
I designed this planner with the LDS mother in mind
(mostly myself) and all of the things I would like to stay on top and be
deliberate in as a mother. This planner is unique because it has
sections for Visiting Teaching, Teaching your children, Family Focus
Section, Family Mission Statement, The Family Proclamation and FHE
Planners. Many scripture references using all of the standard works and
misc. quotes from church leaders. I've included many blank boxes and
sections to customize it to your own liking. The boxes are small and
not meant to cause pain in trying to do or say too much. Often times
it's the little things that we write down that we can focus on a little
at a time to help us achieve our purposes and our desires. I left out
housework planning sheets because, while I think it's important to keep
house, I didn't want it to crowd out what I felt were the essential
things we as mothers need to focus on. Besides, there is plenty of
space you can jot down your chores in the weekly calendars.

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